

It is an essential, powerful and easy to use tool for managing all CRM64Pro resources that can be stored in CDC (CRM64Pro Data Container, more info here.) files.

With this tool you can import external resources such as images, sounds, etc. to create C64 resources such as cursors, sprites, etc. in a very simple and visual way. These can then be easily loaded into your application using the C64 library and later modified/updated without having to recompile the code. This allows a common scenario where a developer works on an application using “test” resources and once finished, musicians and graphic artists can use the editor to modify the resources without developer support.

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  • The editor can create, modify or remove the following CRM64Pro resources:
    • Images with basic attributes (color key, alpha and color modulation). Import/export in BMP and PNG formats.
    • Cursors with basic attributes (color key, alpha and color modulation) and specific to cursors one such as hot spots. Import/export in BMP and PNG formats.
    • Tiles, tileset and tilemap with basic attributes (color key, alpha and color modulation). Import/export in BMP and PNG formats.
    • Sprites and sprites sets with basic attributes and sprite-specific attributes such as status, type, hot spots, animation definition, frames and frame duration. Import/export in BMP and PNG formats.
    • Fonts with basic attributes (color key, alpha and color modulation). Import/export in BMP and PNG formats.
    • Sound and music.
    • Store any file format with support for reading/modifying ASCII files as .INI or .XML.
  • Developed in C++ using CRM64Pro GDK.
  • Available for Windows, Linux and macOS platforms.

CDC file format

The CDC format is an extensible and open data container definition based on data blocks. It is designed  for use with CRM64Pro and is the successor to the old DPF format developed for CRM32Pro.

The CDC only defines a minimal magic header that contains the CDC implementation version and a set of methods that define the interface. CRM64Pro implements the version 1.1 with the following main features:

  • The block index size is variable (128 blocks is the minimum). This indexing approach allows very fast  searching, loading, saving or deleting of data blocks.
  • Detection of data corruption or file tampering.
  • Data blocks can be stored in raw mode, compressed (using zlib) or encrypted (using AES-256).
  • The CDC file can be secured using AES-256 encryption, which prevents the file from being opened without a valid password.
  • The maximum CDC file size is 4 GiB.

More technical details can be found on here.


It is available within the CRM64Pro GDK binary download.