Pac-Man Evolution

[insert_php]require(‘./code/megastorm.php’ ); $pIndex = “PacManEvolution”; [/insert_php]


Pac-Man clone with procedural maze creation and ghosts using IA (trained neural networks).

The game was developed in 2018 and is waiting for the final graphics, music and sounds. If you are interested in collaborating in any of these areas, please feel free to use the EditorC64 to modify the resources and, if you like, send us the result so that we can publish the final version. Contributors will receive a special greeting in the game credits and can use this project to enhance their personal portfolio.

If you are interested in further developing or experimenting with the IA training of the ghosts, you can compile the code and activate the workbench mode. Ghost brains can be stored in external XML files and loaded into the game. For a future version, the workbench mode could be exposed directly through a GUI panel.

PacMan Evolution PacMan Evolution PacMan Evolution


  • 2D environment (1024×768 with 32 bits).
  • 2 game modes:
    • Standard using original Pac-Man’s ghosts rules
    • Evolution using new trained ghost strategies using neural networks.
  • High score table for each game mode.
  • 1 player.
  • Procedural maze creation algorithm (ported to C++ using Shaun LeBron JavaScript code).
  • Available for Linux (x64), macOS (10.5+ x64) and Windows (7+ x64).
    • Downloadable binary for Linux runs on systems with glibc 2.17 (CentOS7+, RHEL7+, Ubuntu14+, etc.)
  • Developed in C++ using the CRM64Pro GDK. Source code is available.


[insert_php] printDetails(); [/insert_php] | zlib license

x86 64bits binaries for supported operating systems.
    [insert_php] printDownload(“macOS”,”dmg”,”icon-os-mac.png”, “macOS”);printDownload(“linux-x64″,”sh”,”icon-os-linux.png”, “Linux”);printDownload(“win-x64″,”zip”,”icon-os-windows.png”, “Windows”); [/insert_php]
Source code
Source code and make files for VS2022+ and GNU C/C++.
    [insert_php] printDownload(“source”,”zip”,”icon-source-code1.png”, “Source code”); [/insert_php]
Previous releases
Get access to all releases repository.
    [insert_php] printRepository(); [/insert_php]