------------------------------------------------------------------ Pac-Man Evolution - Roberto Prieto Copyright (C) 2018-2024 MegaStorm Systems contact@megastormsystems.com - http://www.megastormsystems.com ------------------------------------------------------------------ Pac-Man clone with procedural mazes creation and ghosts team IA using neural networks. This software is distributed under zlib license. 4 March 2024 - 1.0.1 - Public release ------------------------------------- - Used CRM64Pro GDK 0.12.0. - Updated copyright to 2024. - Adoption of http://semver.org/ versioning system. - Build with Visual Studio 2022. 5 June 2018 - v1.00 - All ghosts -------------------------------- - Training of 4 ghosts from the scratch during 400 generations. - Bug #0003 (FIXED): If a ghost is over a power pellet when PacMan dies, a "copy" of the ghost is kept over that power pellet. 31 May 2018 - v0.990 - Orange Ghost training ------------------------------------------- - Orange Ghost trained with PacMan distance and closet pellet position as inputs. - It is also trained with previous trained ghosts for trying to achieve a cooperative behaviour. 27 May 2018 - v0.975 - Blue Ghost training ----------------------------------------- - Blue Ghost trained with PacMan position and Red Ghost distance as inputs. - It is also trained with previous trained ghosts for trying to achieve a cooperative behaviour. 24 May 2018 - v0.95 - Pink Ghost training ----------------------------------------- - Pink Ghost trained with PacMan position/facing as inputs. - It is also trained with previous trained ghost for trying to achieve a cooperative behaviour. 21 May 2018 - v0.925 - Red Ghost training ----------------------------------------- - Red Ghost trained with PacMan position as input. 13 May 2018 - v0.90 - Training mode ------------------------------------- - Training submode added to Workbench. - Neural network and genetics algorithm implemented. - Training environment ready. - ResourceManager and BrainsFactory are now singletons. 20 April 2018 - v0.85 - CMem and workbench mode ----------------------------------------------- - Workbench game type added. - ToDO: Workbench GUI. - Baseline: "Pacbot" vs 4 fixed Ghosts and vs 1 fixed Ghost, "Pacbot" vs 4 random Ghosts and vs 1 random Ghost. - Use of CMem memory manager from CRM64Pro. - Reorganize header files. 15 April 2018 - v0.80 - "Pacbot" ------------------------------- - Autonomous agent "Pacbot". - BrainsFactory allowing to change "brains" for PacMan and Ghosts on realtime. - Unify PacMan/Ghost movement algorithm. 6 April 2018 - v0.70 - Game logic IV ------------------------------------- - Dynamic maze generator implemented. - Basic logic of the ghosts. 24 March 2018 - v0.60 - Game logic III -------------------------------------- - Algorithm A* implemented and working. - Logic of a match. 20 March 2018 - v0.50 - Game logic II ------------------------------------- - Load of static mazes - Rendering of all maze elements: walls, pellets, power pellets, etc. - Logic and control of main player (PacMan). - Score system working. 24 February 2018 - v0.40 - Game logic I --------------------------------------- - Menu, Hall of Fame and game execution logic working. - Two game types: standard and evolution. 20 February 2018 - v0.30 - Sound and music resources ---------------------------------------------------- - ResourceManager loads sound and music resources: .Three music for menu and four for the game .Sounds for the game 19 February 2018 - v0.20 - Graphics resources ---------------------------------------------- - Resource manager class for managing all the resources. - ResourceManager loads graphics resources: .Backgrounds .Buttons .Sprites 16 February 2018 - v0.10 - First game skeleton ---------------------------------------------- - Initializing code. - Build with Visual Studio 2017. - Used CRM64Pro GDK. - Under zlib license.