HX Project

[insert_php]require(‘./code/megastorm.php’ ); $pIndex = “HX”; [/insert_php]


HX is the internal name of ambitious cross-platform 2D game, based on adventure, strategy and RPG, all in real-time.

It is based on the dark age of an imaginary world, similar to our Middle Age, in which the Light and Dark sides will fight each other for the reign of the world.

Thought as the first release of a trilogy called Lord of the Storm, its full name is Lord of the Storm: Bloody Demon.

The main goal is to create an addictive game that involves to the player in a great history and motivates to him to discovery more and more while he manages his kingdom and win more battles. We would like to get a playability level of Starcraft while the player have to think how to go on using the logic, known history, knowledge acquired and using several objects found during the game, similar to the successful Ultima game series.

The project has been in development for a while but was in a halt state for a few years till we started again on 2012. Right now, the project is on stand by, but we hope to go on during this year.

HX game engine HX game engine


  • Game:
    • 3 game modes: training, custom maps and campaign.
    • 3 difficulty levels with custom modifications.
    • 18 huge maps to explore and to conquer (campaign mode).
    • 5 training maps and infinite number of custom maps created with the editor.
    • Great terrain variety: ice, sea, rivers, deserts, forests, volcanoes, …
    • Powerful and easy user interface.
    • Up to 10 groups of 12 units each one with totally customized formations.
    • 5 different resources: gold, stone, iron, wood and magic.
    • Totally customized technological evolution.
    • Economic maintenance of the kingdom conquered with expenses by battles, diseases, …
    • Medieval environment with magicians, horsemen, kings, demons, etc. in a dark and gothic age.
  • Technical:
    • Engine 2D with zenith and isometric view.
    • Resolution from 800×600 up to 1024×768 with a color depth of 32bits.
    • Hardware acceleration: Direct3D or OpenGL.
    • Graphics effects using particles: fog, fire, rain, snow, …
    • Music and sound with CD quality using Vorbis OGG.
    • Video scenes in MPEG format.
    • Powerful artificial intelligence.
    • Developed in C++ using CRM64Pro GDK.
  • Requirements:
    • Linux 32bits and 64bits.
    • MacOS X.
    • Windows 32bits and 64bits (from XP to 8).
    • 2Ghz CPU and 1GB RAM.
    • Video card with support for Direct3D or OpenGL.
    • Sound card with support for DirectX, ALSA or OSS.


[insert_php] printDetails(); [/insert_php] | Zlib license

Binaries for supported operating systems.
    [insert_php] printDownload(“win32″,”zip”,”icon-os-windows.png”, “Windows 32bits”); [/insert_php]
Source code
Source code and make files for VS2008+ and GNU C/C++ 4.x.
    [insert_php] printDownload(“source”,”zip”,”icon-source-code1.png”, “Source code(.zip)”); [/insert_php]
Previous releases
Get access to all releases repository.
    [insert_php] printRepository(); [/insert_php]