
[insert_php]require(‘./code/megastorm.php’ ); $pIndex = “EditorDPF”; [/insert_php]


It is an essential, powerful and easy to use tool for managing all CRM32Pro SDK resources.

DPF is the acronym of Data Package Format, a proprietary format that secures, compresses and encrypts the data providing a great and fast resource container. All CRM32Pro SDK interfaces have methods for loading/saving the objects to a DPF file.

Another important reason for using it and the DPF on all the resources of your application is that you can modify all the resources without recompiling the code. This allows a common scenario where a developer works on an application using “test” resources and once finished, musicians and graphic artists can use the editor for modifying the resources without developer supports.

EditorDPF EditorDPF EditorDPF EditorDPF EditorDPF EditorDPF


  • The editor can create, modify or remove the below CRM32Pro resources:
    • Images on a proprietary format, import/export to BMP/PNG.
    • Tiles with the attributes: colorkey, alpha, alpha per-pixel, tileset, …
    • Sprites with the attributes: colorkey, alpha, alpha per-pixel, animation, states, …
    • Fonts with its attributes. Import any kind of external font.
    • Buttons: checkboxes, sliders, progressbar, …
    • Sound and music.
    • Store any file format with support for reading/modifying ASCII files as .INI or .XML.
  • Available only for Windows.
  • Developed in C++ using CRM32Pro SDK and Microsoft MFC libraries.


[insert_php] printDetails(); [/insert_php] | Free to use but closed source

32bits binaries for supported operating systems.
    [insert_php]printDownload(“win-x86″,”zip”,”icon-os-windows-vs.png”, “Windows”); [/insert_php]
Source code
Closed source code.
    [insert_php] printDownload(“source”,”zip”,”icon-source-code1.png”, “Source code”); [/insert_php]
Previous releases
Get access to all releases repository.
    [insert_php] printRepository(); [/insert_php]