-------------------------------------------- RealFire with SDL - Roberto Prieto Copyright (C) 2001-2012 MegaStorm Systems -------------------------------------------- Simple and nice fire effect using SDL for video output. It is optimized in MMX and SSE2 plus standard ASM and C. The steps involved on the fire creation are: - initial fire effect is created on a 400x300 buffer (C, ASM, MMX and SSE2 code paths) - a 2x Zoom is performed over the fire effect doubling the fire resolution to 800x600 (C, MMX and SSE2 code paths) - this process is over a palettized surface of 8-bits and it is converted to final color depth by SDL Original code from 1998 (running on MSDOS!). Ported to SDL in 2002. In 2004, I added MMX support and in 2012 I wanted to check SSE2 code and this is the result :). Running on a Core i7-2600k @ Win7 64bits these are my result (for further information, please check the spreadsheet): + Fire effect (in SSE2): +- 6% de CPU + 2x Zoom (in SSE2): +- 5% de CPU + Conversion to video screen and render it: +-90% This software is distributed under LGPL license.