--------------------------------------------- CRM32Pro SDK - Roberto Prieto Copyright (C) 2001-2012 MegaStorm Systems --------------------------------------------- CRM32Pro is a free cross-platform software development kit built on top of SDL. This software is distributed under LGPL license. 11 July 2016 - 5.22b - Special release -------------------------------------- - All external libs + CRM32Pro are compiled/linked using Visual Studio 2015. 19 September 2012 - 5.22 - Minor fixes --------------------------------------- - ISoundFX: + fixed an issue with OGG files when getting info - IStuffDPF: + fixed an issue on the caching system, now it is working again and caching the last 32 DPFs opened instead of only the last 2 + Open() now returns -1 to set any error as indicated on the docs - Main: + fixed some issues in Update() when the library is not initialized as expected + SetVideoMode(): fixed a bug when calling more than once and keep previous SDL cursor state(shown or not). Fixed a bug when changing the video mode from OpenGL to a non-OpenGL mode. + New IsTexture() method for checking if a surface is an OpenGL texture + New SurfaceAutomaticConversion() method for controlling the automatic surface conversion of all the CRM32Pro subsystem. By default it is always enabled, only change it when you are very sure of whatever you are doing. + Fixed a critical bug on DRTS system - CFont: + fixed a minor issue with OpenGL modes 11 July 2012 - 5.21 - Minor fixes ---------------------------------- - CRM32Pro main interface: + New XMLNodePrev(), XMLNodeStore() and XMLNodeRestore() methods + New RequireVersion() method. - CTile: + SetTileset() supports non-exact offset divisions + Draw() supports gfx effects: mirror, flip, rotated 90, 180 and 270 degrees. - IScreenFX: + Fix an issue in Rotate() and RotateResize() when trying to rotate with no zoom a surface by 90, 180 or 270 degrees - Expose zlib functions in the DLL for Windows systems 29 March 2012 - 5.20 - Library update ------------------------------------- - CRM32Pro main interface: + Added new GetKeyPressed() and GetKeyName() methods. + Reworked input text code allowing to capture and process all possible characters. + DRTS input console now supports all characters. - ILogSystem: + It is now threads safe so it can be called from different threads. + The file log is left opened fot better performance - IButton: + Info() method improved now with more options + Fix a small bug with Check type buttons + Fix a critical memory corruption with Input type button + Input type button supports all characters + Avoid to set text to Input type button without a proper font assigned - ISoundFX: + Improve methods documentation + New methods ChannelGetVolume(),SoundGetVolume() and MusicGetVolume() added - INetwork: + Reworked almost all the server/client code in order to fix some critical bugs + Allow to bypass the CoreServer callback, it was broken on previous versions. + ConnectTo() method now return specific error codes, check the documentation + New SetSimDelay() method to simulate connection delays + Increased DN reception queue from 256 to 512 slots. + Fix several bugs and data races - Using Cppcheck 1.53 and Intel Parallel Studio XE 2011 for checking all the source code fixing some bugs - Fix a weird bug and now all the SDL functions are exported on CRM32Pro. It affected only to Win32 distributions. - Documentation generated using new Doxygen v1.8.0. - Using new library versions: + SDL 1.2.15 + SDL_mixer 1.2.12 + SDL_net 1.2.8 + libpng 1.5.9 + libogg 1.3.0 + zlib 1.2.6 18 February 2012 - 5.11 - Minor fixes ----------------------------------- - CSprite: + Minimum sprite size is now 1x1 pixel down from 8x8 - IPrimitives: + New methods to convert RGB to YCrCb and viceversa - Added new external module: DataTypes (CDT.h) + Struct and methods to manage 2D vectors 6 October 2011 - 5.10 - Minor fixes ----------------------------------- - INetwork: + Improved error descriptions + Assure that connected client names are unique (a bug was causing weird behavior in same cases) + New method for set special features using flags + Using the new above method, there is a new flag to allow/disallow the server to process new clients connections - IButton: + Inputbox: accepts uppercase letters 23 August 2011 - 5.10 RC2 - Library update ------------------------------------------ - CRM32Pro SDK is now available under LGPL license - Source code finally available for downloading from the web - Integrated Console and Debug Window - CRM32Pro main interface: + Several new methods added to manage the new Console and Debug Window (method prefixes Con and Dw) + New methods IsRenderNeeded() and RenderNeeded(). - IButton: + MAX_LAYERBUTTON increased to 8 + Changed the internals to use the new CRM32Pro.IsRenderNeeded() method. + ForceDraw() is deprecated and does nothing, it is just present for backward compatibility + Update() and Draw() have been recoded. + Fixed an issue with associated function to button and execute just once the action event + Fixed an issue with Check and Input type buttons - CFont: + Added new member to get the height of the font: StringHeight() + Added new member to set/get the cursor char + Fixed a wrong string width with font kerning values different to 0 - ITimeSystem: + Fixed some conceptual bugs + Fixed an issue when calling Init(TIME_RESET) + New method GetTimeNow() - IImage: + Added new member to load a PNG from a memory block: LoadPNG() - ICursor: + Fixed an issue when trying to use/delete a cursor with a wrong id + Fixed wrong autorestores due to colorkey incorrently set. + Show() and Hide() members call internally to CRM32Pro.RenderNeeded() - IScreenFX: + Resize(), Flip(), Mirror(), Rotate() and RotateResize() methods perform the same operation on OpenGL and non-OpenGL modes - INetwork: + Improve detection of hacking attemps removing a rare case that caused a false-positive. - General docs improvements - New example to show the use of the Integrated Console and Debug Window - Win32 version uses Visual Studio 2008 - Added new CPUID for Intel Arrandale, Sandy Bridge and Westmere - Documentation generated using new Doxygen v1.7.4. - Using new library versions: + libpng 1.2.44 version + libvorbis 1.3.2 + libogg 1.2.2 + tinyXML 2.6.2 + zlib 1.2.5 17 September 2010 - 5.01 - Minor fixes -------------------------------------- - INetwork: + Fixed a bug on GetClientsInfo() when running on the server. + Increased DN reception queue from 32 to 256 slots. - CRM32Pro main interface: + CRM32Pro.SetVideoMode() does not change the window title text if Config.Title is NULL. - IStuffDPF: + Fixed a bug that caused problems when trying to upgrade DPF from v3.0 to v4.0. - IButton: + Added two new members: GetLayer() and GetVisibilityLayer(). + Fixed a bug on slider buttons: wrong position and wrong working way. + Fixed an important bug in Remove() and RemoveAll() members. - Improve some member documentation. - Documentation generated using new Doxygen v1.7.1. 30 November 2009 - 5.00 - Major update -------------------------------------- - CSprite supports OpenGL renderer. + Fixed a problem using special effects on cloned sprites. Thanks E.Iglesias for reporting it. - IVideo: + Supports OpenGL renderer. + SetFunction(int) changed to SetFunction(int,SDL_Surface *,SDL_Rect *). - IScreenFX supports OpenGL renderer. - IImage supports OpenGL renderer. + Fixed a problem when saving the image, now it saves the colorkey and the alpha value - ICursor supports OpenGL renderer. - CTile supports OpenGL renderer. - IButton supports OpenGL renderer. - CFont supports OpenGL renderer. - OpenGL implementation notes: + Using a modified version of glSDL, so please, have a look to http://icps.u-strasbg.fr/~marchesin/sdl/glsdl.html. + When a surface is loaded, it is immediately converted to a texture instead of waiting for the first blit. + All autorestore features are disabled due to the nature of glSDL, it´s faster to blit everything on each frame update. + Due to the nature of glSDL, blitting to screen is very fast but surface to surface blits cause slowdowns (internal conversions). - CRM32Pro main interface: + Modified to support OpenGL renderer. + Fixed a problem detecting Core 2 CPUs. + Detect and select the right optimization for Atom,Phenom and Core i7 CPUs. + Removed DGA video backend for MacOS X and Linux + DirectX and FBCon video backend are deprecated. They are old and could not work on a modern OS/machine. - Ported to MacOS X for x86 processors. - Using updated Doxygen v1.6.1 to generate the documentation. - Using new library versions: + libpng 1.2.40 version + libSDL 1.2.14 + SDL_mixer 1.2.11 + libvorbis 1.2.3 + libogg 1.1.4 + mikmod 3.1.12 - Improve "how to install.." documentation. 18 July 2008 - 4.99d - Minor fix -------------------------------- - IVideo: possibility to stop the mpeg playback using custom keys. - Using new library versions: + TinyXML 2.5.3 + libvorbis 1.2.0 + libpng 1.2.29 + SDL_net 1.2.7 27 March 2008 - 4.99c - Minor fixes ------------------------------------ - IStuffDPF: + Allow to open DPF files in read only mode. - CRM32Pro main interface: + Config.VideoWindow now supports SDL_NOFRAME. 19 November 2007 - 4.99b - Minor fixes -------------------------------------- - CRM32Pro main interface: + SDL had a problem detecting right mouse clicks, we have overridden that issue using our custom defines: CRM32PRO_BUTTON_LEFT, CRM32PRO_BUTTON_MIDDLE and CRM32PRO_BUTTON_RIGHT - IButton: + Added new SetMouseButtons() and GetMouseButtons() members to set and get the desired relationship between mouse buttons and a button. By default and backwards compatibility, it always is set to CRM32PRO_BUTTON_LEFT. + Buttons work with any mouse buttons(left,middle and right). 18 October 2007 - 4.99 - Major update ------------------------------------ - CRM32Pro main interface: + Implementation of LoadConfig() and SaveConfig(). They now work!. + Full working link between LoadConfig()/SaveConfig() and the SetupProject. + Improved blitting optimization across all supported CPUs. - ILogSystem: + Added new Halt() and Resume() members to stop and resume the log output. + New mode to append the log output to the same log file. - ICursor: + Fixed a problem creating a cursor from a 8bits surface. - INetwork: + Fixed some memory leaks on client and server code. + Improved stability with client-server disconnections. + Updated network examples. - IButton: + Raised MAX_LAYERBUTTON from 3 to 5. + Fixed a problem with layer visibility. Now they works fine. + Fixed a problem with ID buttons on layer 2 and upper. + Better output of Info() member. + Improved master buttons and cloned buttons functionality. + Added new SetKey() and GetKey() members. + Added new SetColorSelect() and GetColorSelect() members. + Added new RemoveMaster() member. + Inputbox type button now works better avoiding key repetition and delays. + GetCurrentValue() has been renamed to GetValue(). + SetCurrentValue() has been renamed to SetValue(). + Function assigned to a button now supports two argument of any data type. + Fixed a problem in Save() to DPF when the button was in video memory. - IVideo: + Fixed a critical bug on MPEG playback on multicores CPUs. The problem was found and solved on SMPEG sources. - IScreenFX: + Improved Resize(): faster, support all color depth and optional render to a destination surface. + Added new Flip() member to flip a surface. + Added new Mirror() member to mirror a surface. + Added new Rotate() and RotateScale() members to rotate a surface. + All above members support surface clipping and the destination surface bounds. + Note that all above features work in software mode. In hardware mode they are quite slow. - IPrimitives: + PutPixel() has been renamed and duplicated to PutPixelColor() and PutPixelRGBA(). + HLine() has been renamed and duplicated to HLineColor() and HLineRGBA(). + VLine() has been renamed and duplicated to VLineColor() and VLineRGBA(). + Rect() has been renamed and duplicated to RectangleColor() and RectangleRGBA(). + Added new LineRGBA() and LineColor() members. + Added new BoxColor() and BoxRGBA() members. + Added new RGBtoYUV() and YUVtoRGB() members. + Added new RGBtoCYMK and CYMKtoRGB() members. - CSprites: + Added new SetEffect() member to activate special effects. + New special effects: mirror, flip, rotate and resize. + Fix a problem with colorkey in 8bits and 16bits surfaces. + Full support for 8bits sprites surfaces. + Fixed a problem in Save() to DPF when the sprite was in video memory. - IImage: + Added new LoadIMG() member to load a BMP or PNG. + Fix a problem in SavePNG() trying to save RLE surfaces. - CTiles: + Full support for 8bits tiles surfaces. + Fixed a problem in Save() to DPF when the tile was in video memory. - Improved internal use of SDL_DisplayFormat(): it only performs the conversion when it is needed. - Modified project files to support VS2005 and ready to add MacOS x86 project files. - Improved documentation. - Fixed a couple of mispelling words on sprites documentation. Thanks Melkor for reporting it!. 26 July 2007 - 4.98 - Major Update ---------------------------------- - CRM32Pro main interface: + Added new MakeDirectory() member to create directories on all supported platforms. + Added three new XML members: XMLCommentGet(), XMLCommentSet() and XMLCommentRemove(). + Fixed a few bugs in XML code on XMLTextGet(), XMLTextSet(), XMLTextRemove() and XMLAttributeGet(). + Added new GetKeystate() member replacing keystate variable. Thanks Kolham for reporting it!. - CSprite: + Some minor fixes. + Added new Clean() member to clean and reset the content of current tile. + Fixed a random problem saving tiles with RLE surfaces. + Fixed a problem with SelectFrame(), now it works fine. Thanks Warchief for reporting it!. + Added new SetCollisionMethod() and GetCollisionMethod() members to set/get the kind of accuracy Vs.speed of collision detection system for the given sprite. - CTile: + GetOffset() now return the right size of the tile if there is not a tileset. + Added new Clean() member to clean and reset the content of current tile. + Fixed a random problem saving tiles with RLE surfaces. - CFont: + Added new Clean() member to clean and reset the content of current tile. + Fixed a random problem saving tiles with RLE surfaces. - IPrimitives: + Added new SetCollisionMethod() and GetCollisionMethod() members to set/get the kind of accuracy Vs.speed of the whole collision detection system. - IStuffDPF: + Added new GetFilename() member to get the filename of a given idDPF. + Improved precached algorithm to open DPF files: now it caches last 32 DPFs opened. + It will close and display info of any DPF file that was not closed at CRM32Pro.Quit() time. + Optimized saving algorithm to improve drastically the performance. + Added new Flush() member to force to save all changes to disk. - Adjusted log level on all objects and interfaces: + LOG_LOW: only print out error messages. Note that query information methods are using LOG_LOW. + LOG_NORMAL: previous one plus warning messages(some info are also included). + LOG_HIGH: previous one plus info messages. - All save to DPF methods,IStuffDPF->AddData() and IStuffDPF->AddFile() now return an integer: -1 if resource already exists. 0 if failed. >0 Ok and packed size of the added resource. - All save to and load from DPF methods have been duplicated: + Using a DPF filename: this is the old method and it will open, load or save and close the DPF + Using an idDPF: this is the new method, it uses a opened DPF id and only load or save without close the DPF - Improved documentation. - IImage: added three new members to handle PNGs: LoadPNG(), SavePNG() and isPNG(). - Added support for load/save PNG in all affected interfaces. We are using libpng 1.2.16 and zlib 1.2.3 - Every Save() member of interfaces and objects use MakeDirectory() to avoid errors trying to save to a non existant path, in this case, it will automatically create the path. - Added optimized blitting routines for Core Duo and Core 2 Duo. 27 December 2006 - 4.97 - Major Update -------------------------------------- - CFont: + Added new SetName() member to set a new name for the font. + Added new GetName() member to get the current name of the font. + Added new SetKerning() member to set the kerning of the font. + The format of stored fonts have changed. Load() member will automatically update it. - IButton: + Added new SetName() member to set a new name for the button. + Added new GetName() member to get the current name of the button. + Added new GetAlpha() member to get alpha blending information for each button state. + Added new GetColorKey() member to get current colorkey value for each button state. + SetColorKey() and SetAlpha() now set its values for each button state. + Fixed a problem with slider button. + Added support for drag and drop to slider button. + Improved InputText button. - CSprite: + Added new GetAnim() member to get the current sprite animation state. + Added new GetFrame() member to get the current frame. + Added new GetAlpha() member to get alpha blending information. + Added new GetColorkey() member to get current colorkey value. + Added new GetName() member to get the name of the sprite. + Added new SetName() member to set a new name for the sprite. + Removed MoveTo() member and changed SetPosition() member, now it supports a third parameter. indicating if you want a smooth movement or not. + Cleaned up all internal members. + Fixed several bugs with cloned sprites. + Now, it is safe to change the alpha and colorkey properties of cloned sprites. Thanks Saracchini for reporting it!. + Added support for X,Y hotspots per each animation. + Added support for a frame interval per each animation. + Fixed a minor bug in pingpong animation (last frame was rendered twice). Thanks Harko for reporting it!. + Fixed a bug using smooth movement when you did not call to SetPosition() each logic frame update. Thanks warwolf for reporting it!. + The format of stored sprites have changed. Load() member will automatically update it. During the update, if colorkey was set to 0, in the new version will set to -1. + Improved sprite documentation. - CTile: + Added new GetAlpha() member to get alpha blending information. + Added new SetName() member to set a new name for the tile. + Added new GetColorKey() member to get current colorkey value. + Member GetOffset() has changed to GetOffset(int *x,int *y). + Independent X and Y offsets. + The format of stored tiles have changed. Load() member will automatically update it. During the update, if colorkey was set to 0, in the new version will set to -1. - ITimeSystem: added a new warning message when CRM32Pro.Update() is used without to initialize ITimeSystem. - ICursor: added new SetPosition() member to set a new cursor position. - INetwork: + Fixed a bug in INetwork->CreateServer(). Thanks Warchief for reporting it!. + Improved and safer way to close the network system. Thanks Warchief for reporting it!. + Added new SetTimeOut() member to set the connection time out before to return with an error. - IStuffDPF: + Fixed a critical bug on IStuffDPF affecting only to Linux library version. + Delete() method do not modify input parameter anymore. - Main interface: + Fixed a bug in CRM32Pro.Update() when ITimeSystem was not initialized. + Fixed a couple of minor bugs in the XML parser. + CRM32Pro.SetVideoMode() will log a warning message when the set video will be different to the requested one. + Added new XMLCreate() member to create a new and empty XML document. - The semantics of colorkey on all classes and interfaces, has changed to: + Before: the value of 0 disabled it. + Now: -1 to disable it, but 0 will keep it enabled!. - Improved error handling across CSprite,ICursor,CFont,CTile and IButton. - Improved alpha blending documentation and functionality. - Improved colorkey documentation and functionality. - Removed two little memory leaks in CRM32Pro. - Removed a few memory leaks in SDL. - Updated to TinyXML 2.5.2 to fix some bugs on XML file parsing. 30 August 2006 - 4.95 - INetwork -------------------------------- - INetwork: + Major code revision to improve stability. + Encapsulated all SDL_net functions to get a fully threads safe API. + Internal code now is threads safe. + Removed TCP limit packet size of 8192 bytes. + Each client can easy access to information(name,IP,latency) of others client(including itself). + Secure transmission layer to avoid any data modification, data replay or data tampering. + Added Info() member to show a lot of useful information at any point of time. + Added SetCoreServerCallback() member to hook a server callback to validate or deny the sent data. + Added new GetClientsInfo() member to get information about all the connected clients + Added new IsServer(),IsClient(),GetMyIP(),GetMyName() members to improve the functionality. + Init(): Avoid doubles initializations. + Quit(): Close all subsystem using a right way. + ConnectTo(): Fixed some memory leaks when the conection fails. While it is waiting for server connection confirmation, with ESCAPE key it halts the attempt. Improved error checking. + QueryListClients() has been renamed to QueryClientsInfo(). It is used to update the information(latency) about all the connected clients (including itself). + QueryKillClient(), QueryKillServer() and QueryListClients() now return a possible error. + CreateServer(): Fixed some memory leaks when the creation fails. + Fixed bugs: The client now detects internal socket failures and does a right exit procedure. The server now detects internal socket failures and does a right exit procedure. - Note that due to deep changes on INetwork API, there is not binary compatibility with previous versions so you have to compile and link your application using this new one. - Extended and improved library documentation including some graphics schemes. - Improved all examples. - Added new example: NetChat2 using INetwork with authoritative server mode. - IStuffDPF: + By default, now Compact() does not use LowLevel access due to extremly slow method. + Great speed improvement saving and loading encripted blocks (music,sound and text blocks for example). 9 July 2006 - v4.91 - Minor update ---------------------------------- - ICursor: + Added SetSmooth() member to allow to enable/disable the smooth cursor movement. By default, it is enabled. + Fixed a little problem when in some cases, the first cursor autorestore didnt work fine. - IStuffDPF: + Added a pre-cached system to speed up the openning performance. - All the examples are using a simple animated sprite instead of a static one. - New SDL 1.2.10 has defined new basic types: For example, Uint32 was 'unsigned int' and now it is 'unsigned __int32'. Due to this, It was not possible to use the v4.90 with Visual Studio 6.0 but we have fixed this little issue and now, you can use again the old-good VC6. 25 June 2006 - 4.90 - Major Update ---------------------------------- - CSprite: + New unified internal system. + Removed Update() member. + Added SetAnimFactor() member to set the animation speed factor. + Added MoveTo() member to move the sprite using a very smooth way. - ITimeSystem: + Added Fixed Logic Rate concept. All main code have been rewritten to be very accurate. + Smoothest operation with or without double buffer screen. + It will drop render frames to fullfil with logic rate. + You can set a logic rate lower than render rate. + GetTime() and GetSeconds() work always even if you have not called to CRM32Pro.Update(). - IStuffDPF: + New DPF v4.0 format. It has been rewritten to be more secure and reliable. + Automatic DPF protection to avoid external modification. + Possibility of protect your DPF contents with heavy encryption scheme using a password from 8 to 56 characters. + Two access method: fast mode to use in normal operation and lowlevel mode to fix a corrupted DPF. + Old DPF v3.0 are automatically converted to new v4.0. + Due to its nature, opening DPFs is quite intensive (four times more than previous version) so keep this in mind. If this issue is problematic, we will implement a pre-cached system to improve dramatically the opening performance. - CFont: + Fixed a bug in the coordinates system. Thanks Ivo Wubbels for reporting it! + Fixed a minor bug in the importing code. Thanks Ivo Wubbels for reporting it! + Some members have been renamed: TextWidth(char *text) has been renamed to StringWidth(char *str). TextCursorAt(char *text,int px) has been renamed to SetCursorAt(char *str,int px). XCenteredString(SDL_Surface *Surface, int x, char *text, SDL_Rect* clip=NULL) has been renamed to PutStringXCenter(SDL_Surface *Surface, int x, char *str, SDL_Rect* clip=NULL); YCenteredString(SDL_Surface *Surface, int y, char *text, SDL_Rect* clip=NULL) has been renamed to PutStringYCenter(SDL_Surface *Surface, int y, char *str, SDL_Rect* clip=NULL); - ICursor: + Fixed render problems with doublebuffer modes. + Smooth cursor movement. + Fixed some bugs with autorestores. - CRM32Pro main interface: + Added a callback function to blit your graphics fulfilling the Rendering Frame Rate. + Added new bMTFriendly flag to Config struct to give the execution flow to OS each internal update. - Library size on Win32(mingw32) and Linux was reduced. - Added new example: LogicRenderRates. - Extended and improved library documentation. - Updated to SDL 1.2.10 CVS (dated on 21-May-2006) with loads of bugs fixed and improvements. - Fixed an critical graphic performance issue. Thanks Tobias Schweers for reporting it! 14 March 2006 - 4.81 - Main & IScreenFX --------------------------------------- - IScreenFX: + FadeWhite() and FadeBlack() members have been removed as they were very slow. + FadeWhiteA(),FadeBlackA() and FadeImageA() have been replaced wit hFadeToColor() and FadeToImage(). + All fading functions have been rewritten and now support: rect or whole modification and perfect timing. - CRM32Pro main interface: + Force to 32bit color mode when you specify 24bits due to speed up and compatibility issues. + Fixed minor bug trying to setup a new GFX backend on Linux. + Added new FreeSurface() member to avoid doubles frees. Use it instead of SDL_FreeSurface(). + Auto surface recovery is automatically activated when the DirectX backend with any hardware mode is selected. 28 February 2006 - 4.80 - Major Update -------------------------------------- - CRM32Pro main interface: + Added Update() member integrating all systems updates. See Reference Guide to further details. + Added CleanUp() member to clean up the whole update system and to avoid event/timing propagation. + Added SetVideoMode() member to setup the video mode. Use it instead SDL_SetVideoMode(). + Added Blit() member. Use it instead of SDL_BlitSurface(). + Fixed minor bug with XML code. - ITimeSystem: + Init() member supports two working modes: create or reset a previously created system. + Added Info() member to show a internal timer information. + Removed SetFPS() and added SetRate(), you could select two independent rates: Rendering Frame Rate, it is asynchronous (it doesnt stop your mainloop). Logic Frame Rate, it is synchronous (it stops your mainloop). - IButton: + GUI system supports multilayers. + Fix a little bug, while you are typing in an input box, other buttons are not sensible to its associated key. - IVideo: + Added SetScale() and SetPosition() members to scale the video and to set it to a desired position. + Added the posibility to center video stream on screen. + It also works when main screen is on video memory (note that previously, it doesn't). + It supports all effect (FX,scale and position) together. - Mingw32 version is now compiled with GNU GCC 3.4.5 (some bugs with MMX code were fixed). - Vast improvement of cursor update on all graphics interfaces: CTile,CSprite,CFont,IButton. - All graphics interfaces automatically recover lost surfaces in DirectX(hardware mode). - Improved alpha per pixel support on Sprites, Tiles, Images, Cursors, Fonts and Buttons. - Updated to UCL 1.0.3, libogg 1.1.3 and libvorbis 1.1.2 to solve a few bugs and to improve compatibility with oncoming 64bits ports. 28 December 2005 - 4.70 - Major Update -------------------------------------- - New main interface with all global functions and vars unified: + All global vars (screen,mouse_x,etc) have been added to main class. + Init,Quit, etc. have been added to main class. For example: CRM32Pro_Init() has changed to CRM32Pro.Init(). + CRC32 have been fully rewritten and integrated on the main class. + Added a true random number generator. + Fully working XML parsing system: read/write/create/delete. It can edit XML files or XML stored on DPFs. - ILogSystem: + Added new member ShowTime() to print the time when occurred the event. - IStuffDPF: + LoadBlock() return compressed size of loaded block(if it was successfully). + AddFile() and AddData() return compressed size of added block(if it was successfully). + Added new member FreeBlock() to free a loaded block. - CSprite does not depend on ITimeSystem. - IButton: + Fixed delay working with pressed keys. + Support a new button: input text (up to 32 characters). + Icon button type removed. Previous Icon will have its right behaviour. Now, Normal=Icon. + Minor fix: hold 'check on' state of check buttons. + Minor fix: allow to enable a check button after a previous disable. + Minor fix: setup of slider button is easier than before (25pixels on each X side). - INetwork: + ReceiveData() return INETWORK_ERROR when any error occured. + Bug fixed: client thread consumed all CPU cycles. + DataNets reception FIFO queue with 32 slots. + Added some security and safe checkpoints. FIFO queue is thread safe. + Added new member to delete received data. Using this method the transmision is very safe. + Print a few information messages when your are losing datanet (for example: your code did not handle it). + Ping occurs every second. + ConnectTo() wait a maximum of 10 seconds before to return with error. - Added the static library. You can choose between shared or static. Use CRM32PRO_STATIC define to enable it. Only works on Win32 platform. - Fully cleaned shared interface of external libraries. 8 October 2005 - 4.62 - ISoundFX -------------------------------- - ISoundFX: + Removed support for MP3 (use Vorbis OGG) + Fixed memory leaks on ISoundFX. + Fixed a minor bug on ->Export() member. + Fixed a couple of bugs on MikMod library (RWops problem and double free memory). + SDL_mixer/MikMod have a limitation: only one module can be loaded at the same time. ISoundFX does some internal management to avoid this issue. + Support for surround sound output. - Updated to SDL_mixer 1.2.7 CVS to solve audio inicialization problems with MikMod. - Updated to SDL 1.2.9 with a lot of bugs fixed. - Updated to SMPEG 0.4.5 CVS to solve a couple of bugs and MMX optimization. - Fixed previous MPEG video playback issue, now it works with GNU GCC (Win32 & Linux). 19 September 2005 - 4.61 - IButton & IVideo ------------------------------------------- - Fixed several bugs on MinGW32 port. - Fine tuning of blitters for each CPU (thanks all betatesters!) - IButton: + Fix flickering blit when press any button an release it. + Fix flickering blit when press any slider. + Extended button information: all buttons and its properties. - IVideo: + Add new member(SetFunction()) to call it every update frame of MPEG. + Fixed a bug when you play a MPEG without any FXSCREEN effect. + FX effect can be set/change while MPEG is playing. + Fixed a bug related to sound system. - Important note: MPEG video playback only works with Visual C(Win32). We are resolving this problem with SMPEG and GNU GCC. 31 August 2005 - v4.60 - Major update ------------------------------------- - MMX optimized blitters for Visual C(Win32), Mingw32(Win32) and GNU GCC(Linux). It gives a speed improvement in software mode of 30%-50%. - Show a message if there are any tile,sprite or font without free its resources. - Added AutoBuild to the library. - Improved library documentation. - All SetAlpha() members mean alpha per surface property. - IPrimitives: + All members are blited using clipping coordinates. + Added perfect&fast collision detecting system. + Added RGB<->HSV conversions members. + Added locking/unlocking surfaces members. + Optimized members with pixels access code by 50%. - CTiles: + Some internal changes to be more stable. + Supports alpha per pixel images (for example, using EditorDPF to load PNG). + Added new member Info(). - CSprites: + By default, auto restore background is always disabled. + To set alpha per surface and colorkey you have new members (SetAlphaSurface()and SetColorKey()) instead of set them at time creation. + Some internal changes to be more stable. + Supports alpha per pixel images (for example, using EditorDPF to load PNG). + New members to check collision between CSprites and/or surfaces (using IPrimitives) It allows to use screen coordinates or your own system coordinates. Also, it supports a debug mode. - CFonts: + Some internal changes to be more stable. + Supports alpha per pixel images (for example, using EditorDPF to load PNG). + Some members name have been renamed and rewriting: Added new member Test(SDL_Surface *) and renamed the old Test() to Test(char *fileBMP); Create(char *fileDPF,char *fontname, char *filebmp) has been renamed to Save(char *fileDPF,char *fontname) LoadFromSurface() has been renamed to Create(SDL_Surface *). Added new member Create(char *fileBMP). Added new member Info(). - IScreenFX: + Added 11 special effects. + All simple effects are done using RenderFX member. + ZoomSurface() has changed to Scale(). - IVideo: + Support 11 special effects(from IScreenFX). + Scaled video stream. - ICursor: + Colorkey auto selection from IPF or the RGB pixel value given by (0,0) surface position. + Supports alpha per pixel images (for example, using EditorDPF to load PNG). + Some internal changes to be more stable. + Added three new members: Info(), AutoRestore() and ChangeType() - IImage: + Supports alpha per pixel images (for example, using EditorDPF to load PNG). + Supports 256 colors images. It isn't converted to display format. - ILogSystem: + Added profile subsystem. + Fixed a bug on Init when log file doesnt exist. + Print build number of the library. - ITimeSystem: + FPS uses float variable instead of integer variable to be more accurate. + New member, GetCurrentFPS() to get the fps on last second. - IButton: + Supports alpha per pixel images (for example, using EditorDPF to load PNG). - Separated public and private/internal members/atributes of all interfaces. - Critical bug fixed on IPrimitives->Scale(). 26 June 2005 - v4.52 - CSprite ------------------------------ - CSprite: + Added new members: Pause(),Resume(),IsFinished() (last one only has sense with OneShot type animations) + Renamed AutoRestoreOff() to AutoRestore(0/1) + SelectAnim() changes current frame on ONE_SHOT animations. - Header modified to fix a redefinition with _WINDOWS - ILogSystem: + Fixed a critical bug on Init. + LOG_CONSOLE show start up information - Changes on header file to show debug information. - MinGW project updated with auto creation of exports library. - Library docs updated. - CRM32Pro_Init() fixes a bug with CPU optimizations (only MSVC) 18 April 2005 - v4.51 - A few changes ------------------------------------- - INetwork: TCP packed size limited to 8192 bytes. - CSprite: SelectAnim() not longer change current frame. - ILogSystem: added custom string (web page, email and author). - Compatible with mingw/devc free compiler. - Compiled with new libogg 1.1. 28 February 2005 - v4.50 - Major update ---------------------------------------- - Ported to Linux/GNU C (X11,DGA and FBCon). - New source tree to port the library to others platforms. - Bugfixes: + IPF colorkey + selection of P4 optimized functions + missing vars exported in to DLL + minor bug on ILogSystem - Simplified and unified header (english). - Doxygen documentation (english). - Class and functions names have been simplified: + CRM32Pro_Init() encapsule to SDL_Init() and CRM32Pro_Quit() to SDL_Quit() + CRM32Pro_CTileEngine -> CRM32Pro_CTile. + Every members of CRM32Pro_CTile, without "Tile" suffix (ex: DrawTile -> Draw). + Every members of CRM32Pro_IButton, without "Button" suffix. + Every members os CRM32Pro_CFont, without "Font" suffix. + CRM32Pro_CSpriteEngine -> CRM32Pro_CSprite. + Every members of CRM32Pro_CSprite, without "Sprite" suffix. - Unified parameters prototype and members names: + Load functions have the next parameters prototype (origin, data, where). + Save functions have the next parameters prototype (where, data, origin). + Changes on IImage: Save(SDL_Surface *,char *imgname,char *fileDPF) has changed to Save(char *fileDPF, char *imgname,SDL_Surface *image) Load(char *imgname, char *fileDPF, sHeaderIPF *header) has changed to Load(char *fileDPF,char *imgname, sHeaderIPF *header) + Changes on ICursor: Load(char *nameIPF, char *fDPF,char type) has changed to Load(char *fDPF,char *nameIPF,char type) + Changes on CTile: GetTamX(void) has changed to GetSizeX() GetTamY(void) has changed to GetSizeY() + Changes on IButton: Add(struct IButtonNew *boton,char *fDPF,char *nametile,Uint8 master=0) has changed to Create(struct IButtonNew *button,char *tilename,Uint8 master,char *fDPF) SetPos(int id,int x,int y) has changed to SetPosition(int id,int x,int y) Load(char *nombre_bot, char *fDPF,Uint8 master=0) has changed to Load(char *fDPF,char *butname,Uint8 master=0) LoadHeader(char *nombre_bot, char *fDPF, IButtonNew *info) has changed to LoadHeader(char *fDPF,char *butname, IButtonNew *info) Save(IButtonNew *bot, char *fDPF, char *nombre) has changed to Save(char *fDPF,char *butname,IButtonNew *but) Update(void) has changed to Draw(void) + Changes on ISoundFX: MusicLoad(char *musname,char *fileDPF) has changed to MusicLoad(char *fileDPF,char *musname) MusicImport(char *filemus,char *namemus,char *fileDPF) has changed to MusicImport(char *fileDPF,char *namemus,char *filemus) MusicInfo(char *namemus,char *fileDPF,sAudioType *mustype) has changed to MusicInfo(char *fileDPF,char *namemus,sAudioType *mustype) SoundLoad(char *namesnd,char *fileDPF) has changed to SoundLoad(char *fileDPF,char *namesnd) SoundImport(char *filesnd,char *namesnd,char *fileDPF) has changed to SoundImport(char *fileDPF,char *namesnd,char *sndfile) SoundInfo(char *namesnd,char *fileDPF,sAudioType *sndtype) has changed to SoundInfo(char *fileDPF,char *namesnd,sAudioType *sndtype) Export(char *namesnd,char *fileDPF,char m,char *s) has changed to Export(char *fileDPF,char *namesnd,char m,char *s) - This version isn't fully compatible with previous one, it's necessary to change the name of members and parameters(see above changes). It will not have more changes anymore. --> Changes on previous version (in spanish) <-- 20 Enero 2005 - v4.21 - Varios ------------------------------ - Optimizacion SSE y MMX dependiendo de la CPU. - Detecta CPU automaticamente (PentiumMMX,Pentium II,Pentium III, Pentium IV y superiores y K6,K7 y K8) - IButton, corregidos varios bug: + Devuelve correctamente el estado de los Check. + Redibuja botones sin estado "select" 5 Enero 2005 - v4.20 - Varios ------------------------------ - Version publica y de libre distribuccion - Utiliza la nueva SDL 1.2.8. - Optimizaciones varias utilizando instrucciones MMX y SSE. - Nuevo compilador: Microsoft Visual C+ + 2003. - DLL Unificada - ILogSystem: + Cambio de informacion de cabecera. - IStuffDPF: + Cambios menores y un par de bugfixes. 25 Marzo 2004 - v4.10 - Varios ------------------------------ - ILogSystem: + Añadido sistema de log por niveles,de 0 a 5. + Con nivel LOG_NORMAL o superior, CRM32Pro muestra sus mensajes. + Ajustes en la libreria del nivel deseado y mejorado el logeo en Sprite y Tile engines. + Unificado de mensajes de error " . [clase->metodo(...)] Info/Error/Warning: mensaje en ingles." + IMPORTANTE: NO es compatible con el antiguo sistema, se debe añadir en Init() el nivel de depuracion y en Msg() el nivel q tiene. - INetwork: + Nuevo interfaz de conexion de red con arquitectura cliente/servidor. - Utiliza la nueva SDL 1.2.7. - Utiliza SDL_net 1.2.5. - Nueva distribucion de librerias externas. 15 Febrero 2004 - v4.00a - ISoundFX ----------------------------------- - Mejorado el metodo MusicInfo(), ahora muestra los kbps y es instantaneo (no convierte). - Eliminados memory leaks en MusicInfo() - Existen pequeños leaks en MikMod, que deberian ser corregidos con una revision. 14 Febrero 2004 - v4.00 - Varios -------------------------------- - IStuffDPF: + Gestion completa de bloques sin compresion y posible encriptado. + Corregido un minorbug muy puñeto que bloqueaba los DPF. + Corregidos multiples minorbugs. - ISoundFX: + Guarda y carga sonidos wav,riff,voc y ogg en ficheros DPF sin compresion. + Guarda y carga musica xm,it,s3m,mod y ogg en ficheros DPF con compresion menos OGG. + Funciones necesarias para utilizar el EditorDPF. + ChannelPlay ha cambiado el nombre a SoundPlay. + Minorbug en SoundInfo. + Corregidos multiples memory leaks. Los modulos(MikMod, tiene pequeñas leaks). - CSpriteEngine: + Corregido un bug en el ultimo pixel de los sprites. - Liberia SDL estatica dentro de CRM32Pro. - Actualizada la jerarquia entre los proyectos. 3 Febrero 2004 - v3.80 - Varios ------------------------------- - Utiliza nuevas versiones de las librerias. Incluye todos los ficheros de terceros. - Distribucion uniforme e independiente del modo(debug o release). - UCL 1.02. - SDL_Mixer 1.2.5 con soporte para OGG (libvorbis 1.0.1 y libogg 1.0). - SDL 1.2.6. - Pruebas de compatibilidad. 30 Enero 2004 - v3.65 - Varios ------------------------------ - IScreenFX: soporte de fader sobre superfices hardware. Se comprueba si es una superficie hardware y se copia a RAM donde se puede trabajar tan solo volcando los resultados. - IButton: la actualizar los botones se comprueba si estamos en modo doublebuffer y si es asi, automaticamente fuerza el redibujado de todos los botones. 28 Enero 2004 - v3.61c - Varios ------------------------------- - ITimeSystem: miembro SetFPS() que fuerza un determinado numero de fps ralentizando en Update() - IImage: miembro LoadBMP() comprueba que exista el bmp. - ISoundFX: miembro MusicLoad() y SoundLoad() comprueba que exista el fichero. 19 Junio 2003 - v3.61b - IButton -------------------------------- - Cambios en WhoIsSelected() para permitir averiguar si un boton B_OFF esta siendo seleccionado. - Nuevo metodo GetState() para averiguar el estado actual de un boton. - Aumentado el numero de botones por capa de 25 a 32. 26 Mayo 2003 - v3.61a - CSpriteEngine ------------------------------------- - Nuevo miembro SelectFrame - Update acepta un float para controlar la velocidad de animacion, por defecto 1.0 27 Marzo 2003 - v3.61 - Varios ------------------------------ - Nuevo miembro de IButton para comprobar el boton seleccionado. - Distribuccion en ficheros independientes de las fuentes. 14 Marzo 2003 - v3.60a - Varios ------------------------------- - Fix bug in ISoundFX. - Por defecto, los botones son visibles 1 Diciembre 2002 - v3.60 - IButton ----------------------------------- - Propiedad de los botones Hidden(los oculta) - Los botones tipo ICON pueden ser clonados(el resto no esta testeado). 28 Noviembre 2002 - v3.51b - ICursor ------------------------------------ - Soporte cursores centrados (CTYPE_CENTER) 24 Noviembre 2002 - v3.51a - CSpriteEngine ----------------------------------------- - Añadido metodo que desactiva el autorestore. 6 Noviembre 2002 - v3.51 - CSpriteEngine ---------------------------------------- - Añadidos nuevos metodos para su uso en el Editor DPF. 5 Noviembre 2002 - v3.50 - ISoundFX ----------------------------------- - Se utiliza SDL_Mixer 1.2.4 y ISoundFX es un wrapper que añade alguna funcionalidad extra. El objetivo es poder cambiar SDL_Mixer 1.2.4 sin afectar a ISoundFX. - Al usar la nueva version(1.2.4) se han corregido multiples bug. - Lee Mp3 con bitrate constantes y variable. No acepta los Mp3Pro. - Se ha cambiado el nombre de los miembros de ISoundFX para una mejor lectura. - Nota: las aplicaciones que utilicen ISoundFX deben cambiar los nombres de las func 4 Noviembre 2002 - v3.10 - CSpriteEngine ----------------------------------------- - Los sprites son master o slave, los master contienen la superficie y son creados con Create y Load, los slave no contienen la superficie, dependen de un master y son creados con New. - Sistema de control de errores, si no existe el sprite no se hace nada, evita errores. 31 Octubre 2002 - v3.00 - CSpriteEngine --------------------------------------- - Implementada la clase CSpriteEngine: + Soporta 3 tipos de animacion: loop,pingpong y oneshot. + Numero indefinido de animaciones con frames independientes. + Definible la duracion de cada frame. + Guardar/cargar a un DPF. + Soporte automatico de doublebuffer. - Cambios en ICursor,CopyBG ahora solo copia el fondo, no dibuja el cursor. - Utiliza SDL 1.2.5a - Nota: cada vez que se llama a Draw() se blitea el frame que corresponda aunque no sea estrictamente necesarios(no haya cambiado el frame o no haya habido movimiento). Al principio se sincronizo con cambios de ese tipo pero en ciertos casos afecta a la visualizacion del sprite(otro le puede sobreescribir parcial o totalmente). Con lo que es la aplicacion la encargada de mandar dibujar los sprites cada cierto tiempo y en su orden. 12 Octubre 2002 - v2.96 - Fixbug en surfaces hardware ----------------------------------------------------- - Problema: no hay soporte hardware para alpha blending por lo que la velocidad se reduce drasticamente, al margen de que no se crean bien las surfaces hardware al no estar soportadas. Comprobado en GeForce4,Radeon7500,Matrox G200 sobre Windows 2000. - Solucion: de modo general se han realizado los siguientes cambios: 1) SDL_CreateRGBSurface() utiliza siempre SDL_SWSURFACE 2) Si el valor alpha almacenado es 255, lo desactivamos antes de SDL_DisplayFormat() - Importante: si se crean una superficie con alpha desactivado en videoram y se activa el alpha, el rendimiento se reducira drasticamente. Es aconsejable reconvertir la superficie. En los modulos donde implicitamente el uso del alpha es normal se ha realizado de forma automatica: CTileEngine y CSpriteEngine. IImage: automaticamente no lo soporta pero si se puede cambiar. ICursor: no soporta metodos de colorkey ni alpha blending. CFont: siempre se crea en RAM porque si utiliza alpha blending. 28 Septiembre 2002 - v2.95 - ITimeSystem y varios ------------------------------------------------- - Nueva interfaz para el control de tiempo. - Implicitamente todas las superficies son convertidas al mismo tipo screen para asegurar la mayor velocidad de ejecucion. - CFont,IButton y IScreenFX solo utilizan superficies software. - Nueva funcion CRM32Pro_InfoGFX() que muestra informacion del sistema hardware grafico. - BUG DETECTADO: No se crean correctamente las superficies hardware. 22 Agosto 2002 - v2.94 - IScreenFX ---------------------------------- - Añadida funcion de Zoom. 24 Julio 2002 - v2.93a - IStuffDPF ---------------------------------- - IStuffDPF->AddData: se ha añadido un define(COMPRESS_LEVEL), antes estaba fijo a 10 lo cual era muy lento, ahora esta definido en un 6 que acelera muchisimo y comprime bien. 28 Junio 2002 - v2.93 - CTileEngine ----------------------------------- - Soporte para tileset en CTileEngine. 19 Junio 2002 - v2.92 - ICursor ------------------------------- - Ampliada y mejorada la Interfaz de control de cursores - Nuevo compilador: Microsoft Visual C+ + 7.0 1 Junio 2002 - v2.91a - Varios ----------------------------- - Añadido nuevo tipo de boton a IButton: Check 25 Mayo 2002 - v2.91 - Varios ----------------------------- - La implementacion de todos los metodos esta en el CPP no en el header - Corregido un bug en GetFragment() de StuffDPF - Imprescindible inicializar libreria CRM32Pro - Se ha añadido a StuffDPF metodos para compactar los DPF - La fecha de modificacion de los DPF se actualiza automaticamente - Soporte para el Editor DPF (comprueba que exista screen) - Añadido a IButton miembros Load/Save/Delete - Soporte en IButton para Slider y Progressbar - Las cabeceras de IStuff tienen bytes de reserva para asegurar la compatibilidad si se producen cambios futuros. 5 Abril 2002 - v2.8 - IImage y varios --------------------------------------- - Añadida la interfaz Image con soporte de carga DPF. - Modificadas las cabeceras de los DPF 20 Octubre 2001 - v2.75 - StuffDPF ---------------------------------- - Creada nueva interfaz StuffDPF que engloba todas las funciones de DPF. - Se han creado 5 nuevas funciones DPF: + Eliminar un bloque(elimina logicamente los bloques) + Encontrar el 1º bloque + Encontrar el siguiente bloque + Buscar un bloque. + Compactar DPF(elimina fisicamente los bloques) - Antes de añadir un bloque comprueba que no exista previamente. 3 Septiembre 2001 - v2.72 - IPrimitives --------------------------------------- - Añadidas rutinas para dibujar lineas y rectangulos en IPrimitives. 1 Septiembre 2001 - v2.71 - CFont ------------------------------------------ - Añadida a CFont una funcion que acepta imagenes y las convierte en fuentes. (CFont::Create) 31 Agosto 2001 - v2.70 - ICursor y IPlayMPEG -------------------------------------------- - Implementada la interfaz PlayMPEG para reproducir MPEG-1. - Implementada la interfaz Cursor. - CTileEngine trabaja con ICursor. 7 Agosto 2001 - v2.60 - Multiples correcciones ----------------------------------------------- - Leve cambio a CFont de modo que una vez cargada una fuente no depende de la superficie externa. - Se ha añadido a CFont un miembro para controlar el color Alpha. - Se ha corregido un bug cuando se controlaban superficies hardware sobre otra en hardware. El problema ha sido corregido en CTileEngine y CFont en las funciones de Load() respectivas. CFont utiliza superficies software. - Se ha corregido un problema en IPrimitives, ahora se bloquean las superficies. 6 Agosto 2001 - v2.50 - MPEG y ISoundFX ------------------------------------------------------- - Incorporado a la libreria la reproduccion de MPEG-I y MP3 - Interfaz ISoundFX que utiliza un mezclador para reproducir WAV,MOD,XM,IT,S3M y MP3. 8 canales de sonido y uno de musica. - Nos encontramos un error al reproducir MP3(no se puede compilar SMPEG 0.4.3 ni 0.4.4 con Visual C++ 6 SP2) y utilice la version compilada SMPEG.LIB y SMPEG.DLL en lugar de MPEG pero tras indagar un poco y cambiar un par de #defines parece que funciona, el fallo pudo ser debido a un error permanente del sistema y al reiniciar.. funciono! - Corregido un minorbug en DPF v2.1 (no detectaba el final del fichero) - Corregido un majorbug en IButton. - Se han ajustado los fades usando Alpha para que lo hagan completo. 31 Julio 2001 - v2.00 - CFont y multiples correcciones ------------------------------------------------------- - Las clases comienzan por C y las interfaces por I - Implementado la clase CFont para el control de fuentes - CTileEngine puede grabar/cargar bloques que no sean TILE - Depuracion de errores e investigacion sobre problemas con superficies. - Se utiliza SDL 1.2.2 y al salir de CRM32Pro vuelca(si procede) informacion sobre la version de la libreria SDL. 23 Julio 2001 - v1.95 - Correcciones multiples ------------------------------------------------- - El tipo de los DPF se ha ampliado a 4 caracteres - Reemplazado algoritmo LZO por UCL(NRV2B). - Corregido un bug al cargar Tiles en superficies hardware - Nueva funcion DumpSurface añadida a ILogSystem,vuelca toda la informacion de una superficie. 17 Julio 2001 - v1.90 - Soporte compresion en DPF ------------------------------------------------- Se ha utilizado la libreria LZO para comprimir los bloques en los archivos DPF automaticamente y de modo completamente transparente. 16 Julio 2001 - v1.85 - Organizacion y documentacion ---------------------------------------------------- Debido al tamaño que esta tomando la libreria se van a aplicar unos criterios de normalizacion asi que la documentacion de las funciones. Tambien se han añadido dos funciones para iniciar y cerrar la libreria. Se ha encapsulado en la clase ILogSystem el sistema de loggeo y el de tracking memory. 13 Julio 2001 - v1.80 - Fundidos usando canal Alpha --------------------------------------------------- Se han creado fader a negro, a blanco y a otra imagen utilizando el bliter y el canal alpha, es bastante mas rapido que las tradicionales y pueden ser aplicadas en efectos a tiempo real. Si se utilizan superficies hardware, la velocidad es tan alta que en proximas versiones se diseñara un sistema para controlar la velocidad. 12 Julio 2001 - v1.75 - Sistema TrackingMemory ---------------------------------------------- Se ha añadido un sistema de siguimiento de new y delete que vuelca a un fichero toda la informacion, de este modo nos aseguramos de que no se creen lagunas olvidadas en memoria. Se activa automaticamente al compilar en modo Debug y estar TRACKINGMEMORY a true. Modulo 2: Logging v2.0. v1.70-> 10 Julio 2001, Optimizacion IScreenFX y IPrimitives v1.60-> 9 Julio 2001, Modulo IScreenFX v1.0 y IPrimitives v1.0 v1.50-> 8 Julio 2001, Toda la libreria trabaja a 32bit en lugar de 16bit. v1.42-> 4 Julio 2001, Modulo IButton v1.0 v1.40-> 2 Julio 2001, Modulo IButton v0.5 v1.30-> 23 Junio 2001, Modulo TileEngine v1.0 v1.20-> 21 Junio 2001, Modulo Data Package Format (DPF) v1.0. v1.10-> 10 Junio 2001, Modulo CRC32 y Logging. v1.00-> 7 Junio 2001, Creacción de la libreria.