------------------------------------------------------------------ TitanBomber - Roberto Prieto Copyright (C) 2005-2023 MegaStorm Systems contact@megastormsystems.com - http://www.megastormsystems.com ------------------------------------------------------------------ Bomberman like-game with 4 different game fields (one for each Titan). This software is distributed under zlib license. April 2023 - v0.99 Beta 14 - Final version (1h) ---------------------------------------------- - CRM32Pro version of TitanBomber (forked from C64 version on July 2016) - Using Visual Studio 2022. - Under zlib license. 29 March 2012 - v0.99 Beta (20h) -------------------------------- - Check all resources before starting the game - Fix a bug in SpecialText() method - Rework the detection of the game types for local and network games fixing some bugs - Fix some bugs on the end of message and now it works fine - Network games: if the server or any client dies, the game is aborted for all players - Fix a bug with network game and the initial delay for the start match based on the client latency - Improved end of match for network modes to avoid any possible rare condition. - Validate all possible game types on local and network games - Floating messages code reworked for avoiding some displaying issues - Live players after a match-end are set on survival mode - New Setup v1.1 - Connection between server and clients was reworked to fix several weird conditions - Server enables and disables logins. Clients retry up to 3 times to connect to the server. - Server console between games does not render fine - Synchronization issues fixed: it supports up to 50ms of network latency, more than that an error will occur. - Fix a bug gathering items with some network latency - Issue #001: bomb "remember" its explosion area instead of use current player explosion area - Issue #002: player movement a bit choppy. - Player sprites now uses the smooth animation way - Issue #007: client players dont get the high scores into the hall of fame when a league finished 13 March 2012 - v0.99 (4h) -------------------------- - Music and sound effects added. - Thanks to http://modarchive.org, http://soundbible.com and http://www.freesound.org - Available under LGPL license August/September 2011 - v0.98 (23h) ----------------------------------- - Menu with game mode selection and player type/name - Get the name of remote players: - Remote players get the game type and when the match is over - Console log connection on menu when Start or Join network games - Hall of Fame screen with top scores - Special end match / end game screen 21 July 2011 - v0.96 (14h) -------------------------- - Floating messages with points added to each player - Timed match finishes when the time is over instead of wait for the end of current game. Display a countdown of the last 30sec - Render callback usage (instead of event_logicwait). Set logic rate to 20 per second. - New fonts container global to all classes. New fonts for each player. - Some network game bugs fixed. - Checks events queue for each player (on network games) warning if any event was unprocessed and removing it. 30 June 2011 - v0.94 (9h) ------------------------- - 3 game types: league (random shift through the 4 maps), random map(only one map) or timed(5 minutes) - Added the 4 maps (gfx has to be replaced by a true artist :) ) - Detect tie match and dont assign bonus to any player - End of match 2 seconds after 1 or 0 players are alive - After each match, it show the winner and the total score points sorted - Event control: only "local" players send events. This avoid possible wrong and/or duplicated event to be sent. 20 June 2011 - v0.92 (6h) ------------------------- - Network games modes are managed by an authoritative server: . Death logic. - Some code rework for improving the game - Fixed some issues after performing several tests. - Using new CRM32Pro v5.10. 15 January 2010 - v0.90 (6h) ---------------------------- - Network games modes are managed by an authoritative server: . Bombs creation . Breakables . Items . Points - Modify speed of the movement and animation for the players. - Bomb explosion fields are added to any other already existing one. 9 January 2010 - v0.85 (5h) --------------------------- - Network games modes, if a client or server quit, stop the match. - Added pre-match text for local and network games. This is also used for synchronization. - Added post-match text for the winner - Player smooth animation. Tuned the player movement when collides with a block to improve the playability - In network mode, the server sends the final go and start the match together with a delay to try to start all clients at the same time. - Client and server initialization code clean up. Removed delays on reception queues. 4 January 2010 - v0.80 (8h) --------------------------- - Supports up to 3 remote players. - In network game modes, the server supports any number of local player(1-3). - New reception queue to work fine with more than two players. - Added a short delay to set the normal sprite animation. - Fixed two bugs related to bomb explosions. Caused by changes on 0.70 version. - Player invulnerability during 3sec after a death. 30 December 2009 - v0.70 (4h) ------------------------------ - Items stop the explosion. - Random logic player execution on each logic loop update. - Logic and Render have been decoupled. - CRM32Pro config system using SetupProject - Using new CRM32Pro v5.00. July 2006 - v0.66 (1h) ---------------------- - Con escape, cancela la espera de conexiones. - Utiliza CRM32Pro v4.91. 15 Diciembre 2005 - v0.65 (3h) ------------------------------ - Corregido un bug critico en Breakables. - Utiliza CRM32Pro 4.70 con sus mejoras (sobre todo, la cola de recepcion de datanet). 10 Octubre 2005 - v0.60 (11h) ----------------------------- - Logica completa para multiplayer en modo local. - Soporte jugadores(4) en local - Configuracion de teclas. - Condicion de fin del mapa cuando solo quede un player. - Añadir nombres de los jugadores (visualizar en info). - El ganador del mapa, obtiene 1 vida mas para el siguiente mapa. - Sistema de puntuacion completo: . Por matar a un jugador humano. . Ganador local y ganador visitante. . Al final de la partida, obtiene todas las puntuaciones. . Aunque el player muera, se retiene su informacion - Conexion entre cliente-servidor, primeras pruebas reales: . Conexion inicial. . Espera hasta recibir el mapa. . Cliente carga el mapa enviado por el servidor. - Bug fixed: . Extraño error la hacer un CreateServer(), corregido en CRM32Pro v4.52 26 Junio 2005 - v0.50 (10h) --------------------------- - Sistema de puntuacion: . Por colocacion de bombas. . Por explosion de breakable. . Por recogida de un item. - Ciclo por los 4 mapas de la liguilla. - F4 provoca el fin del mapa y paso al siguiente. - Marcador de informacion para cada player funcional(puntos,vidas,etc) y creacion de recursos graficos: fuente de puntuacion, vida, velocidad, etc. - Sistema de debug mejorado, no es tan intensivo en CPU. - Corregidos todos los leaks de memoria. - Los objetos pueden recoger los items y actualizan sus propiedades. - Los objetos pueden morir: . Posicion inicial. . Indican quien les ha matado. . Sprite de muerte complejo - Los jugadores disponen de 3 vidas - Movimiento suave del player(autoajuste a los "carriles"). - Bug fixed: . Soporte completo de todas las velocidades: 1,2,3 y 4 - Logica de 1Player completamente funcional. 12 Junio 2005 - v0.45 (7h) -------------------------- - Colocacion de bloques breakables. - Item ocultos en breakables funcionales. - Bombas: . Rompe los breakables. . Destruye items. - Generacion aleatoria de los mapas(breakables con items) - Bugs fixed: . Colocacion de bloques, no llegaba a los margenes X,Y - F3 elimina todos los breakables 10 Junio 2005 - v0.40 (13h) --------------------------- - Bombas con explosion: . Depende de la potencia. . Es un sprite para poder animar la explosion. . "Quema" si algo intenta cruzarlo mientras esta explotando. . Provoca explosion en otras bombas. - Ampliacion de estructura del codigo. Completamente POO. - Bugs fixed: . No se colocaban las bombas correctamente . Al caminar, no trata bien las bombas . Al caminar en el eje Y, se saltaba los NOWALKABLE-BREAKABLE . El bug anterior esta relacionado con la velocidad, si iSpeed=2 todo funciona, si no...NO! - F1 activa/desactiva modo debug y F2 toma un screenshot - Makefile para mingw32. 14 Marzo 2005 - v0.30 (11h) --------------------------- - Depuracion completa en tiempo real. - Carga un mapa de pruebas. - Reforma de esqueleto de codigo. - Muestra algunos elementos en el mapa de juego: un player, bombas, muro irrompible. - Bomber de control funcional: . Sprites con animaciones de pruebas . Dibuja los sprites con base de coordenadas del mapa (independiente de su tamaño) . Se mueve con los cursores . Se mueve por el mapa de forma correcta. Modo rigido. . Coloca bombas y funcionan (falta explosion). - Conexion por TCP entre el servidor y un cliente. 23 Enero 2005 - v0.10 (1h) -------------------------- - Primera version. - Esqueleto del codigo. - Proyecto en VS 2003 C++. - Carga y visualiza el fondo y bloques de prueba. - Se cierra con ESCAPE.