CRM32Pro SDK  v5.22
CRM32Pro_IPrimitives Member List

This is the complete list of members for CRM32Pro_IPrimitives, including all inherited members.

BoxColor(SDL_Surface *surf, short x1, short y1, short x2, short y2, unsigned int color)CRM32Pro_IPrimitives
BoxRGBA(SDL_Surface *surf, short x1, short y1, short x2, short y2, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a=255)CRM32Pro_IPrimitives
CMYKtoRGB(unsigned char c, unsigned char m, unsigned char y, unsigned char k, unsigned char *r8, unsigned char *g8, unsigned char *b8)CRM32Pro_IPrimitives
Get16Pixel(SDL_Surface *surf, short x, short y, unsigned int *arraypixels, unsigned char alock=1)CRM32Pro_IPrimitives
GetPixel(SDL_Surface *surf, short x, short y, unsigned char alock=1)CRM32Pro_IPrimitives
HLineColor(SDL_Surface *surf, short x1, short x2, short y, unsigned int color)CRM32Pro_IPrimitives
HLineRGBA(SDL_Surface *surf, short x1, short x2, short y, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a=255)CRM32Pro_IPrimitives
HSVtoRGB(float h, float s, float v, unsigned char *r8, unsigned char *g8, unsigned char *b8)CRM32Pro_IPrimitives
LineColor(SDL_Surface *surf, short x1, short y1, short x2, short y2, unsigned int color)CRM32Pro_IPrimitives
LineRGBA(SDL_Surface *surf, short x1, short y1, short x2, short y2, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a=255)CRM32Pro_IPrimitives
PixelCollision(SDL_Surface *s1, SDL_Rect *r1, SDL_Surface *s, SDL_Rect *r2, unsigned char debug=0, SDL_Rect *posr1=NULL, SDL_Rect *posr2=NULL)CRM32Pro_IPrimitives
Put16Pixel(SDL_Surface *surf, short x, short y, unsigned int *arraypixels, unsigned char alock=1)CRM32Pro_IPrimitives
PutPixelColor(SDL_Surface *surf, short x, short y, unsigned int color, unsigned char alock=1)CRM32Pro_IPrimitives
PutPixelRGBA(SDL_Surface *surf, short x, short y, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a=255, unsigned char alock=1)CRM32Pro_IPrimitives
RectangleColor(SDL_Surface *surf, short x1, short y1, short x2, short y2, unsigned int color)CRM32Pro_IPrimitives
RectangleRGBA(SDL_Surface *surf, short x1, short y1, short x2, short y2, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a=255)CRM32Pro_IPrimitives
RGBtoCMYK(unsigned char r8, unsigned char g8, unsigned char b8, unsigned char *c, unsigned char *m, unsigned char *y, unsigned char *k)CRM32Pro_IPrimitives
RGBtoHSV(unsigned char r8, unsigned char g8, unsigned char b8, float *h, float *s, float *v)CRM32Pro_IPrimitives
RGBtoYCC(unsigned char r8, unsigned char g8, unsigned char b8, unsigned char *Y, unsigned char *Cb, unsigned char *Cr)CRM32Pro_IPrimitives
RGBtoYUV(unsigned char r8, unsigned char g8, unsigned char b8, unsigned char *Y, unsigned char *U, unsigned char *V)CRM32Pro_IPrimitives
SetCollisionMethod(int mode)CRM32Pro_IPrimitives
VLineColor(SDL_Surface *surf, short x, short y1, short y2, unsigned int color)CRM32Pro_IPrimitives
VLineRGBA(SDL_Surface *surf, short x, short y1, short y2, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a=255)CRM32Pro_IPrimitives
YCCtoRGB(unsigned char Y, unsigned char Cb, unsigned char Cr, unsigned char *r8, unsigned char *g8, unsigned char *b8)CRM32Pro_IPrimitives
YUVtoRGB(unsigned char Y, unsigned char U, unsigned char V, unsigned char *r8, unsigned char *g8, unsigned char *b8)CRM32Pro_IPrimitives